New to Acupuncture? Read on to find out what to expect during your first treatment with Tom.

New Patient Appointments

Anticipate spending about an hour and a half at your first visit as we will conduct a lengthy intake as well as treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine tailors patients’ treatments according to their constitution so while I certainly want to know details about the complaint that brought you here, I’ll also ask questions specifically about you. For example, do you wake rested in the morning? Are you affected by changes in the weather? Are you good at letting trouble fall off or do you collect stress for a hobby?

Your answers can give insight to the root of your condition and guide us in realigning your health. Follow-up treatments usually take about an hour as the intitial conversation is out of the way and we can then elaborate on the results of the previous visits.

It’s rare that we see no positive results after the first treatment, and I emphasize that even if relief seems fleeting-a day, three days, a week-before pain or anxiety begins to re-visit, it’s a good sign as it shows us you’re capable of feeling good. Relief should linger longer after each visit until you’re calling me only when you feel a tweak or tune-up is necessary.

If you’ve had four visits and see no relief whatsoever (in pain level, character, intensity, etc.) then acupuncture might not be appropriate in this instance or I might not be the right acupuncturist for you. Every practitioner brings different skills into the room and I don’t want to waste your time if you could be spending it with the right acupuncturist for you. I’m big fan of knowing what you’re good at and knowing when to say when.

Please don’t hesitate to call with more questions. I’m happy to talk. (207)985-0099 or email

All visits $85.00; payable by cash/personal check/Mastercard-Visa-Discover/Debit card/HSA card. NOTE: Fee change effective January 1, 2023 all appointments will be $90.00.

We accept Workman’s Compensation, and Auto Accidents pending benefit verification.

PLEASE NOTE: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023 WE WILL NO LONGER BE ACCEPTING/PROCESSING PRIVATE INSURANCE CLAIMS. This was a difficult decision to make as we strive to make our services available to as many people as possible and we recognize this may cause some inconvenience. Our decision is based on the increasing difficulties we are experiencing with receiving payment in a timely manner from the insurance companies. We are happy to provide you with a detailed receipt that you may submit for reimbursement from your insurance carrier. Please be prepared to pay the full visit fee at the time of your appointment.